
Orange Blossom’s Poppy Love

Dear Poppy has always been a lovable, playful dog! She is extremely bright and responsive to learning new skills and remembering them. She is tender and loves to play with the children she lives with. You could not receive better care than her guardian family gives to her and she returns the love and affection generously. I love Poppy to come to my home because she is so gentle and sweet. Her eyes are incredible and she plays with her paws as though they are hands! She will spend the whole day trying to please you, and of course she does!

DOB: 01/18/19


Type: Multi-Gen Australian Labradoodle

Color: Chocolate, Carrie Parti
Coat: Soft Wavy Fleece

Size: Mini, 23 pounds

Height: 16 1/2”

DNA color coat: bb/Ee, S/Sp

Health Clearances

OFA Prelim Hips: Good

OFA Prelim Elbows: Normal

CAER: Clear

• OFA Cardiac: Normal

Genetic Panel and DNA Profiling: Paw Print Genetics

• vWD Normal, PRA Prcd carrier, EIC clear, Dm clear, IC clear